
2020-04-19 11:45:37

Wangping Elementary, a Story over Three Years 项目点三年变化|甘肃平凉王坪小学


Wangping Elementary School, with just over four hundred students, is located in Wangping, a village in the county-level municipality of Pingliang, in Gansu Province. Wangping School, in collaboration with Dream Corps International, hosted three successful consecutive Summer Volunteer Programs between 2015 and 2017. During these three years, our volunteers and the schoolteachers built two libraries, leading the students through various reading activities and classes and cataloging nearing a thousand books. A volunteer from each year of Dream Corps’ three years at Wangping Elementary has been interviewed.

2015 Li Jin

When you took part in the Summer Volunteer Program, how was the situation at Wangping Elementary? What were your main tasks and responsibilities?

The 2015 Summer Volunteer Program was Dream Corps’ first year at Wangping Elementary. Our team’s main task was to build the library. Principal Zhang purposely cleared a room for the library, and with the principal and teachers’ support, we decorated the library, installed bookshelves, and cataloged and shelved books donated by Dream Corps. We also trained several students to be student librarians, taught several reading classes, and performed two home visits.

What do you think was the biggest difficulty you encountered at the volunteer site?

In terms of difficulties, it was preparing dinner: after school is let out in the afternoon, there would be no one in the cafeteria to cook. We were not experienced with building a fire to cook our dinner, so in the end we bought an electric stove.

What took place that gave you the most satisfaction or sense of accomplishment?

For me, the most satisfying part was the recognition we received from the children. And of course, the biggest sense of accomplishment came from the successful running of the library. Being able to see the children reading and taking out books from the library reminded me of why I decided to come here.

What changed at the school after the Summer Volunteer Program?

After the Summer Volunteer Program, it was evident that the atmosphere of reading at the school had improved in that the children would rush to the library after class, often overcrowding the space. At the time, the school was undergoing infrastructure upgrades, and soon a new school building had been completed, resulting in the change of the classroom locations. However, the library [in the old school building] remained a popular destination for the students.

What problems still remain to be solved by volunteers in later years and the school?

Well, the three-year cycle at Wangping Elementary has now been completed. Were there to be another volunteer program at the site, the volunteers should provide new books and lead the students in more reading activities. As well, they should communicate with the teachers: the teachers want to communicate with the volunteers, but sometimes do not know how to communicate effectively. Actually, I’ve found this has been the most difficult problem to solve over the three years.

2016 Zuo Rui

When you took part in the Summer Volunteer Program, how was the situation at Wangping Elementary? What were your main tasks and responsibilities?

At the time, the site was undergoing infrastructure upgrades by building a new school building, so the entire school was a large construction site. As second year volunteers, our main tasks were to catalog new books, teach reading classes for each class (or lead reading activities), and train student librarians. My teammate Li Yao was both efficient and enthusiastic, so she also freshened up the library decorations.

What do you think was the biggest difficulty you encountered at the volunteer site?

The biggest difficulty was that the children were paying more attention to us than to reading itself. Every day during lunchtime when the library opened, many of the students would come to the library to be part of the crowd, but not actually to read. While childrens’ curiosity in new people and things comes more naturally, it takes a much longer period of time to develop interest in reading once the novelty of our presence is gone. This is why after the volunteers departed, less students would go to the library.

Maintaining discipline in the library was another difficulty we encountered. We constantly stressed the rules: to be quiet and to only bring one book off the shelves at a time. Even with repeated emphasis, the library was still loud at times and some children would leave books lying around.

What took place that gave you the most satisfaction or sense of accomplishment?

The biggest accomplishment for us was that the kids all fell in love with Story Circle! They learned about so many fairy tales and picture books through Story Circle and textbook drama improvisations. When we returned to their classrooms for our last lesson with them, we would ask about their favorite character from those stories. They would generally remember all the different characters we acted out and their respective personalities.

I was also very touched by the handmade bracelets and handwritten letters the children gave to us when we left. We are really thankful for their precious gifts. Even now, I have every bracelet and letter kept at home.

What changed at the school after the Summer Volunteer Program? What problems still remain to be solved by volunteers in later years and the school?

The change at the site was that the lovely new school building was completed (laugh). No really, I am grateful that the library was well-maintained after we left, thanks to the volunteers that came after us. Like I said before, what remains to be solved is that the development of reading habits for students is a long-term process. It is key to maintain the childrens’ interests created by the volunteers, even after the novelty wears off, in order to really develop good reading habits. Hopefully it can continue to be guided and fostered.

2017 Xiang Wenda

When you took part in the Summer Volunteer Program, how was the situation at Wangping Elementary? What were your main tasks and responsibilities?

The 2017 Summer Volunteer Program marked the third year and last year at Wangping Elementary. At this point in the time, the betterment of the school library was basically complete. The past volunteers had already prepared an environment for us to complete our work, for which we are really grateful.

We had three main responsibilities on site at Wangping Elementary, with the first being the organization of books within the library management system. Dream Corps has just developed a new library management system, and we had to transfer the information into the new system, as well as catalog new books. The Pingliang Municipality Board of Education has just gifted a room full of books to Wangping Elementary, so our second task was to prepare a new library to hold these books. The third was to lead regular reading classes. My teammates, Ru Zeqian, Lu Feng, and Dan Ni, spent every day performing these tasks, and the weeks on site just flew by.

What do you think was the biggest difficulty you encountered at the volunteer site?

I think the biggest difficulty we encountered at Wangping Elementary was how to deal with the books gifted by the Board of Education. There were over a thousand new books, and it would have been nearly impossible to catalog all of them into the system. However, as we were to be the last volunteers at Wangping Elementary, we also wanted to make sure everything was properly completed before we left. Through multiple meetings, we eventually decided that we would place these books in a new library, and to make the space appealing to the children through decorations with wall stickers, blackboard art, and cushions. We also gave up on entering all these new books into the system upon realizing that this task would consume all of our time. Perhaps making tradeoffs between important tasks was also a part of our responsibilities on site.

What took place that gave you the most satisfaction or sense of accomplishment?

Actually, each day spent at Wangping Elementary was a happy one. I felt that each day at the school was spent doing pure and simple things: cataloging books, tidying up the library, leading children in reading classes, and finally washing up and going to bed early each night, to again hear the children talking and laughing outside our doors the next morning. During the few short weeks with Dream Corps and the children, a lot of the pressures and troubles of everyday life were forgotten. Even though it was us volunteering to help the school and the children, it was also us who were helped in return.

What changed at the school after the Summer Volunteer Program? What problems still remained to be solved by volunteers in later years and the school?

When we completed the Summer Volunteer Program, the number of libraries at the school had grown from one to two, there were new books to read, and a new library management system to use. We hope that the children now love reading more because of our work. There are still many tasks yet to be completed. For a sustainable library and the development of the childrens’ interest in reading, it will require more time and effort from parents, the school, and the Board of Education. Dreams Corps have sowed the seeds over the last three years here in Pingliang, and hope it will eventually grow into a tree.


王坪小学位于甘肃省平凉市王坪村,一共有四百余名学生。在15至17年之间,王坪和梦想行动一同合作交流,开展了三次非常成功SVP项目! 在这三年中,学校的老师们和梦想行动的志愿者们先后建立了新老两间图书室,开展了各式各样的阅读课,录入了整理近千册图书。在这篇文章中,我们分别采访了15,16,17三届志愿者,分享他们这三年的经历和感受。

2015 李金











2016 左瑞









SVP项目结束之后学校有哪些变化? 有哪些需要之后志愿者和学校来继续努力解决的问题?


2017 向文达








SVP项目结束之后学校有哪些变化? 有哪些需要之后志愿者和学校来继续努力解决的问题?



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