
2016-07-30 01:04:25



eptember 27th is the Middle-Autumn Festival , a traditional Chinese festival originally representing the celebration of harvest and family reunion. It’s a meaningful festival for all Chinese families to be together even harvest is not means that much nowadays. Dream Corps International at Indiana University members sold Mooncake to IU students who are extremely homesick to have a taste of home, and also raise the fund for helping children. Members was tabling in Chinese Pastry held by IUCSSA and received great response from IU students. In the Mooncake sale, 182 boxes of mooncake was selling, and revenue is $3902 with cost of $3546. All revenue will be all donated to library to help children open eyes to colorful outside world. Remaining 15 boxes of mooncakes were donated to local food bank.

Meanwhile, the organization was promoted during this events and attention was grabbed from all students attending.

农历八月十五(9/27)正逢中秋佳节,作为中国最重要的传统节日之一,象征着家庭团圆,也同时庆祝丰收。梦想行动 IU Chapter 在 IUB 中国学生会的中秋游园活动中进行了月饼义卖。为在外留学、思念家乡的留学生提供一个与中国同学共享美食,共同庆祝的机会。与此同时,各位成员积极宣传梦想行动的宗旨和其他非营利活动,让各地学生对我们社团有更深的认识。经过一轮交流后,有不少新会员因义卖加入我们的社团,为帮助贫困山区的孩子们付出了自己的绵薄之力。除此之外,成员们也在十街以及各个中国餐馆等人口流动大的地方摆摊进行义卖和宣传。



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